When Referring a Client
Please, review the guidelines below before submitting referrals.
If your agency/organization is currently our active referring partner (DFSO Referring Partners List) please fill out our online referral form
Dress for Success Oregon is a workforce development organization and our goal is to help women prepare for work; succeed in work; advance in their careers; and become self-sufficient. Please see below for friendly reminders about our referral and clothing appointment processes:
We have limited clothing appointments available. Please ensure that each client you refer to is actively job searching/interviewing or has recently been hired.
When you submit the referral your client/participant immediately receives an email with short online intake & and clothing forms. Your client will be contacted to schedule an appointment only after they fill out both of these forms.
If your client has an urgent need (a job interview/or starting work within 2 business days), after submitting a referral please email our scheduling team at or call 503.249.7300 X100 for expedited scheduling.
Please remind your clients not to bring any guests, friends, or family to the appointments. All guests and caseworkers will be asked to wait in our lobby during the appointment.
Translators/disability advocates are welcome to join the appointment.
Please make sure there is no possession of drugs or alcohol, and please make sure your client is not under the influence for their appointment.
Service animals only.
Questions? Please get in touch with DFSO team at or 503.249.7300 X100.